Duluth Art Institute
The property
The mission of the Duluth Art Institute is to enrich daily life with dynamic, innovative visual arts programming that upholds excellence and promotes active community participation. Founded in 1907, the Duluth Art Institute serves as a hub for creativity, new ideas, and community engagement through the visual arts. We welcome people of all ages, abilities, and skill levels. We deliver our mission through exhibitions, art making and learning opportunities. The Duluth Art Institute strives to deliver fresh, quality programing that nurtures and energizes all facets of the visual arts in the Twin Ports. EXHIBITION PROGRAM The Duluth Art Institute produces more than a dozen exhibitions every year that highlight regional talent and visiting artists. We celebrate craft traditions as well as contemporary voices in the visual arts, displaying mid-career, emerging, and established artists in diverse mediums. We offer enhancement programs alongside our exhibitions to provide arts audiences deeper engagement with artists and their work. EDUCATION PROGRAM We offer more than 50 arts workshops and classes for youth and adults throughout the year as well as outreach activities throughout the community. Our education program also maintains a ceramics studio with over 25 renters, as well as a fiber studio and darkroom.
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